Happy Monday, How to change your mindset!

Happy Monday, July 14

Sometimes you feel you can’t make a difference, but just one small change can make a powerful impact!

Happy Monday, How to change your mindset!

Happy Monday ❗

😉 If you have been following me for a while now, you know that Monday is my favorite day of the week.

📅 I started to like Mondays a few years ago when I dreaded Sunday evenings and Monday mornings.

🤔 I changed my mindset because I learned I could control how I reacted to Monday mornings.

💡 Instead of thinking of Monday as another start to the work week, I started to think about all the good impacts I had on the people I worked with and how I could make a change.

💡Sometimes you feel you can’t make a difference, but just one small change can make a powerful impact!

🏃‍♀️ An excellent way to think about this is when you make one small change to your eating habits or workouts, you start to see gains.

💤 Or you may go to bed 30 minutes earlier and feel more rested.

💡It is those small incremental changes that add up to significant changes.

💡It is those small changes that allow us to improve continuously!

👉 My challenge for you this week is to think about how you can make one small change to make your Mondays more positive. 

💡What can you do to make Mondays more fun?


If you want to learn more about using Continuous Improvement, let’s set up a time to talk. 

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