Happy Monday, Love what you do

Happy Monday: Love what you do

Happy Monday, love what you do ❗

🚶‍♀️ Last week, my husband went on an excellent road trip to Kentucky for hiking and kayaking. Check out the Red River Gorge area for fantastic hiking and kayaking!

🚗 While driving home on Saturday, we stopped at the Sanders Cafe, the birthplace of KFC.

🐔 If you know the back story of KFC, you know that Sanders works hard at perfecting fried chicken for his customers.

💡 What always amazed me about these types of stories is that every one of the early innovators truly loved what they did.

💡They wanted to make a difference, and each did it their way.

💡As you approach this new week, consider ways to make a slight difference in the world or your work. That will help you find the true meaning of what you are doing.

👉 What are you working on this week?

👉How do you find meaning in your work?

 If you want to learn how to use CI to make a difference, let’s set up a time to talk


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