

Lauren has appeared as a guest on many different podcasts.  Follow the links below to listen to the different interviews. 


Gemba Academy Interview – Deciding when to use Technology

Ron and Lauren discussed the dangers of jumping straight into technology before exploring other options. They also covered value stream mapping, Gemba walks, and more.

Gemba Academy Interview – The Role of Automation and AI in Continuous Improvement 

Ron and Lauren talked about automation and artificial intelligence, what the future holds as far as continuous improvement goes, and more. 

The Sisterhood Report – Changing the world one Sister at a time.

We can change the world one day, one decision, and one woman – sister – at a time. You will be inspired to hear details about one woman’s journey to break free from the past, and boldly claim a new present while building the bridge to a powerful future. When we each turn on our internal light, the world becomes brighter for us all.

Lean Blog: Bridging the Gap between people, process, and technology

Mark and Lauren talk about not jumping to solutions with technology too fast, all types of automation, and digital transformation.  Why it is important to bridge the gap between people, processes, and technology. 

Lean Blog: Lean, Six Sigma, and AI

Mark and Lauren talk about the interface and overlap between concepts like Lean, Six Sigma, and Artificial Intelligence. Why do companies need to avoid jumping to solutions, including technology solutions like Robotic Process Automation? Why does the “respect for people” principle of Lean, from Toyota, mean that we shouldn’t focus on replacing people with technology?

Continuous Improvement and Artificial Intelligence

Teachers of lean practice emphasize the importance of human interaction, and some even eschew the idea of automating processes.  Lauren Hisey has a very different perspective on our relationship with the machines that are everywhere – especially those that use artificial intelligence.  She’s not afraid, and she works actively to help companies use human intelligence together with artificial intelligence. In a world where the next person you speak with might be a bot, how do we use our lean principles, especially respect for people? 

North Fulton Business Radio

Lauren Hisey of Lauren Hisey Consulting joins host John Ray to discuss how she helps companies address revenue and expense challenges through continuous improvement consulting and coaching. “North Fulton Business Radio” is produced virtually from the North Fulton studio of Business RadioX® in Alpharetta.

How Openness to New Opportunities Facilitates Powerful Growth

Welcome to another episode of Inspirational People. In this discussion, I get the opportunity of introducing you to a new friend and fellow business consultant, Lauren Hisey. In 2019, Lauren (a Lean Six Sigma specialist) transitioned from corporate America working with Nielson (and AT&T before that) to the Entrepreneur life as an independent coach and consultant. She now works with business owners to rapidly get from where they are to where they want to be.



Leveraging Continuous Improvement with AI 

Lauren tackles the rapidly changing business world, moving in the direction of AI (RPA, Machine Learning, etc.). While these new digital approaches are meant to improve, streamline, and standardize business processes, many organizations don’t realize that these approaches do not fix a “broken” business process. 



Don’t Let the Corona Virus Overwhelm your Business 

Lauren embraces and overcomes the challenges, especially during times like the Corona Virus Scare, that other people prefer to avoid. As an expert in Lean Six Sigma, She helps businesses to improve profitability and culture to drive sustainable growth. She has spent 13 years living and breathing Lean Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement as a coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker with different sizes of businesses, universities, podcasts, and various networking associations.  She has a passion for Continous Improvement and loves to show others how to use it effectively in their businesses and organizations.



Creating an Impactful Legacy 

Lauren has been an employee and a business owner; she loves the innovation and creativity that entrepreneurship provides. During her career journey, Lauren has helped different parts of the corporate world from TA/HR, Sales, Operations, Product Leadership, Customer Service, and Technology. She makes the most of each day and loves helping people to solve problems so they can succeed.