
Happy Friday, Sept 15

Happy Friday, Sept 15

  • First take time to relax
  • Secondly, find ways to grow
  • Thirdly, know your passion

Happy Friday, Sept 15


Happy Friday, Sept 15❗

🗺️My husband, friends, and I just returned from a breathtaking adventure at Glacier National Park. The time away in this magical place reminded me of the importance of rest and continuous improvement.

🗺️My husband had to remind me a few times that we need to rest to succeed. What is funny is that I told my husband the same thing when we first married.

💡When you find your passion, you often get so excited that you do not think you are working. Lean Six Sigma teaching and consulting is my passion because I love to help people.

⛰️These awe-inspiring landscapes reminded me that nature is constantly changing and evolving, just like our professional lives. Sometimes, you need to take a step back to grow and learn.

💡Through seeking new experiences, you can reach new heights.

🚀Let’s commit to investing in ourselves through time off, learning (courses, reading, workshops, etc.), or seeking new experiences.

👉 How have you invested in yourself?

👉How do you keep growing?

If you want to learn more about Lean Six Sigma, let’s schedule a time to talk. 



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